[page_name] Paris


Ernest Cognacq and Marie-Louise Jaÿ created a milestone in the history of commerce. The couple created a commercial empire with a reputation that went far beyond the borders of France. The tremendous success of Samaritaine was derived from the boundless energy of the legendary couple. From humble beginnings, they were a remarkable example of upward social mobility. Hardworking and organized, Ernest was nicknamed “Father Laborem,” Latin for “through work" and Marie-Louise was known to be just as determined and persevering as Ernest.

Ernest first set up his shop at Pont Neuf. Situated near the Halles market and opposite the department store ‘La Belle Jardinière,' the area was frequently visited by pedestrians crossing the bridge every day. The area drew an interesting crowd with intriguing stories. His shop quickly became a popular destination in the neighborhood and Ernest soon decided that it was the right location for him to continue to expand and develop his business.

Together with Marie-Louise, Ernest decided to open a boutique of dressmaking at the corner of rue de la Monnaie and Pont Neuf. Its name was "Samaritaine." It was a great success; hundreds of customers visited the boutique and Samaritaine was the start of a great adventure.