Hidden among the deep folds of the mountains and the secrets of the woods lived the Wild Hearts.
A solitary and mysterious people whose days unfolded in a monochromatic tranquility, far from the noises of the world.
Their austere life was painted with shades of gray, like the forest and the winter skies that surrounded them.
One winter everything changed.
The call of a legendary celebration crossed the mountain peaks and reached the ears of these wild men: the Carnival of Venice.
The idea of landing in the lagoon city, where folklore and revelry colored the heart of every person, spread like wildfire.
The big day arrived, and the first thing that struck the eyes of the Wildermann were the vibrant colors, costumes, masks, and joy.
The magical and unique atmosphere of the grand celebration instantly infected them, bringing new life and color to the Venetian alleys.
The carnival and the Wild Hearts await you in stores starting from January 27th.
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