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Under the Transparency in Coverage Rule, issued in 2020 by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Resources, U.S. Department of Labor and U.S. Department of the Treasury is required for health plans (which include clients who sponsor employee benefit plans) and health insurance issuers must publish Machine-Readable Files (MRFs):
• In-Network Rate File: This file contains the negotiated in-network rates for all services with all providers.
• Allowed Amounts File: This file contains historical payments to and billed charges from out-of-network providers.
The below links lead to the MRFs that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The MRFs are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.
Aetna International
Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA)
Kaiser Permanente
DFS Group L.P. (aka DFS North America) and its affiliates (together, “DFS” or “we”) are committed to doing business with integrity and according to the highest legal and ethical standards. We hold the same standards for all business partners, including but not limited to our suppliers, vendors, and other service providers.
The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (SB-657) requires that retail sellers and manufacturers doing business in California disclose efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking in their direct supply chain. To address the Act’s requirements, DFS discloses the following:
DFS expects all its business partners, including its direct suppliers, to adhere to and implement its Business Partner Code of Conduct, which enumerates our expectations. Child labor, forced labor, slavery and human trafficking are all strictly prohibited under this Code.
Although we currently do not regularly verify our entire direct product supply chain or ordinarily audit our direct suppliers, we reserve the right to conduct audits at our suppliers, their suppliers and their subcontractors under the Business Partner Code of Conduct. Suppliers that fail to meet the Code’s standards have previously been subject to audit, reviews, and other actions including and up to termination, and DFS will continue to regularly review compliance in this respect.
Our suppliers are required to keep proper records to demonstrate compliance with the labor aspects of the DFS Business Partner Code of Conduct; however, we do not require that direct suppliers certify that all product materials comply with slavery and human trafficking laws of all countries in which they conduct business.
DFS has, and will continue to, communicate with and train employees with direct responsibility for supply chain management to ensure they are knowledgeable and aware of the issues and concerns surrounding the supply chain, including mitigating the risk of human trafficking and slavery. DFS maintains an Employee Code of Conduct which includes standards for all of its employees and regarding the prohibition against slavery and trafficking.
DFS は、ファッション&レザーグッズ、パフューム&コスメティクス、ウォッチ&ジュエリー、セレクティブ・リテーリング及びホスピタリティ、カルチャー&レジャーを含むあらゆる分野で高品質な製品及びサービスを提供する多くの格別のブランドにより構成されるLVMHグループに所属しています。LVMHの全てのブランドの一覧は、https://www.lvmh.comでご覧いただけます。当ブランドのお客様が、LVMHの他のブランドのお客様である場合もあります。
このような目的のため、当ブランドにおけるお客様の過去3年間のお買い上げに関連したデータは、お客様の事前の明示の同意を条件として、当ブランドの最終親会社であるLVMH Moet Hennessy-Louis Vuitton S.E. (以下「LVMH」という)に匿名データとして(すなわち、お客様のお名前や連絡先はLVMHに送信されません。)伝達されます。その後、お客様のお買い上げデータは分析され、お客様がLVMHへのデータ送信に同意したLVMHグループの他のブランドにおけるお買い上げと照合されます。このデータ分析及び照合により、[ブランド名]はお客様の購入習慣や好みに関する追加情報を(どのメゾンからデータの提供を受けたかを知ることなく)受領します。
Data Controller (データ管理者)
DFS は、当該取扱に関する単独のデータ管理者です。LVMHはデータ取扱者であり、上記以外の目的でお客様のデータを取り扱うことはありません。特に、LVMHは自社の目的でお客様のデータを使用せず、お客様にマーケティング目的で直接連絡せず、いかなる場合であってもお客様がお買い上げを行っていない又は同意していないLVMHグループの他のブランドにお客様のデータを共有しません。